Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Law of the Returning Tide

Law of the Returning tide
wash upon the shore
Take what she's done to me
I dont want her anymore.

The things she has said,
The things she has done;
wash them upon her,
That part of me is dead.

Return upon her soul
the things I have torn,
Knowing you reap
that which has been born.

Law of the Returning Tide
wash upon the shore,
Show her "herself"
in whom she adores!

Make her gain what she gave out,
Make her lose what she threw out,
Make her a sand from a stone she is,
Make her entangled in all that is.

Law of the Returning Tide
wash upon the shore,
Call her from your depths
stoping nevermore!

Make her see what is lost,
Make her feel a wound of unhealing time,
Make her hear her own voice,
Knowing she will never hear mine!

By root
By trunk
By Tree
By branch
From seed to stalk
I call you up;
Awake and be judged!

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