Thursday, June 11, 2015

Celtic Last Rites

My very dear and close friend Robert Barton author of Dance of Oak and Wren: Rites of Draiocht was nice enough to share some of his funerary rites with me some time ago. I share them now with you here. They are in Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) and I am hoping to translate them in the near future into Irish/Gaeilge. My wife and I will be using a version of these for her father when we finally place his ashes in his destination of choice. Please excuse the lack of fada (accents) over many of the vowels. I have no idea how to do the Scottish fada on my Mac. 

Final Rite of Sacrifice:
Beannachd leibh  Na Diathan leibh
Blessing of the Morrigan
Dion nan Diathan air an aite seo
Gu robh beannachd na Diathan agus ar Sinnsearran air an
(a bhoireannach, an fhear, a phaisde) seo.

Behold the cup of truth may we all partake and know that we are of one people

A Mhorrighan _______ is prepared to pass across the threshold of worlds.
Resting now in the arms of our people in this world, but soon to rest in the arms of our people in the next world.
Accept this sacrifice freely given and show favor on this one of our people

Personal Patrons ______ is ready to pass across the threshold of world, accept this sacrifice free given and show favor on this one who has walked so closely with you.

A Mhanannan, we ask that you accept this sacrifice freely given and grant a gentle journey in your Wave Sweeper to Tech Duinn for ________. 

(Hand on the person and say)
"Know that you are one of the people, you have have feasted with us in this world and you will feast now with the ancestors in the next world. Know that you will be honored and spoken well of amoung the folk."
Na Diathan leibh.

(Personal things said and offerings made) This is when we will scatter his remains.

Prayers for the Dead:
Sith co Nem     Peace up to the heavens
Nem co doman     Heavens down to Earth
Doman fo nem     Earth under heavens
Nearst hi cach     Strength in all 

Nan Diathan tha os mo choin  The Gods who are over me
Nan Diathan tha os mo bhonn   The Gods who are below me
Nan Diathan tha os mo bhos  The Gods who are above me here
Nan Diathan tha os mo thall   The Gods who are above me yonder
Nan Diathan a tha san talamh  The Gods who are in the earth
Nan Diathan  a tha san adhar   The Gods who are in the sky
Nan Diathan a tha sa mhuir mhor bhocaich  The Gods who are in the great pouring sea. 

An Tuiream Bais Death Dirge
Thu dol dachaidh anochd dha do thaig geamhraidh
You go home tonight to the home of winter
Dha do tharg foghair is earraich is samhraidh
To your home of autumn, of spring, and summer
Tha sgail a bhais a ghraidh air do ghnuis
The shade of death lies upon your face beloved
Caidil-sa, caidil agaus dhiot am bron
Sleep you, sleep and away with sorrow
Caidil a luaidh a nochd ann an glac nan talamh
Sleep beloved this night in the arms of the earth
Caidil, O caidil ann an ciuin nan Diathan
Sleep, O sleep in the calm of the Gods
Caidil, O caidil ann an tul nan Diathan
Sleep, O sleep in the guidance of the Gods
Caidil, O caidil ann an run nan Diathan
Sleep, O sleep in the love of the Gods
Manannan bhith leat an lag nan tonn, air barr nan stuagh.
Manannan be with you in through of wave and on crest of billows.
Manannan bhith leat air gachceum dh'an chuart dh'an teid thu.
Manannan be with you each step of the journey you go.

Gu robh beannachd na Diathan agus Sinnsearan air an fhear seo.
May the blessings of the Gods and ancestors be upon this man. 

~ Roberts book: Dance of Oak and Wren: Rites of Draiocht

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this. My father passed last month and I asked for some of his ashes not knowing why. Now I know. So he could be laid to rest as our ancestors were.
