Sunday, January 15, 2017

Celtic Links

Helpful Celtic Links

Fellowship of the Gael -
Fellowship of the Gael Blog-
Fellowship of the Gael Twitter -
Morgan Daimler's Blog -
Celtic Reconstructionism (CR) -

*** There is no current Sinnsreachd website/home-base as it is currently being re-worked and should be up in a few months. 

Legends and Tales
Táin Bó Cúalnge, Translated by Joseph Dunn and Ernst Windisch
Scél Mucci Mic Dathó, Translated by Nora Chadwick
Cath Mag Tuired, Translated by Elizabeth A. Gray
Táin Bó Cúalnge, Translated by Joseph Dunn
The Destruction of Dá Derga's Hostel, Translated by Whitely Stokes, D.C.L.
Heroic Romances of Ireland, Translated and Compiled by A. H. Leahy
Cuchulain of Muirthemne, By Lady Augusta Gregory
Gods and Fighting Men: The Story of the Tuatha De Danaan and of the Fianna of Ireland, By Lady Augusta Gregory
Táin Bó Cúalnge (from the Book of Leinster), Translated by Elizabeth A. Gray, edited by Cecile O'Rahilly
Buile Suibhne (The Frenzy of Suibhne), Translated by J. G. Ó Keeffe

Lebar na Núachongbála, The Book of Leinster
Lebor na nUidre, The Book of the Dun Cow
Leabhar Baile an Mhota, The Book of Ballymote
Leabhar Mór Mhic Fhir Bhisigh, The Great Book of Lecan
Leabhar Buidhe Lecain, The Yellow Book of Lecan
Leabhar Feirmoithe, The Book of Fermoy

Research Websites
CELT, the Corpus of Electronic Texts, Featuring the many Annals, several of the tales, and a wealth of Irish literarature.

Law, Literature, and Legend, Featuring an overview of the Brehon Laws and the Fenechas, as well as postulations on integrating them into modern life.

Dalriada Celtic Heritage Trust, Featuring multiple resources, some free, some pay, used to educate the public in all aspects of Celtic languages, culture and tradions.

Sacred Texts: Celtic Folklore, Featuring many of the tales above, plus other information and tales from the extant Celtic nations written or compiled by multiple authors.

The Gaelic Homepage, Featuring information on Gaelic and other Celtic languages.

Medieval Irish Poetry, Featuring translations of Irish poetry and information on the poetic forms used.

A (much) Smaller Social History of Ancient Ireland , Featuring brief overviews of the ancient government, military, law, religion, art, and customs of the ancient Irish people. Abridged form of the larger book.

Celtic Literature Collection: Irish Texts, Featuring manuscripts and tales from throughout the surviving lore of the Gael Éireannach.

Language Resources, Online
Irish Lessons Online- 125 lessons on basic Gaeilge by the Irish People.

Eo Feasa- Irish lessons starting at Level 1, basic level for beginners.

Fearghal Mag Uiginn- An Irish lesson course that provides you with the basics of the lrish language in a fifteen week course.

Cáemgen's Irish Lesson Videos- An online video series of Cáemgen's Irish lessons that will increase as more video's are posted. Cáemgen is the first Sinsearaí to put together videos of language lessons, so bravo to him!

Daltaí na Gaeilge- Daltaí's pages forIrish Grammar and Vocabulary

Interactive Irish Lessons- Online lessons and other resources as well as sound files.

Foclóir Gaeilge/Béarla I- Irish/English Dictionary I. May or may not register fadas properly due to poor coding in HTML.
Foclóir Gaeilge/Béarla II- Irish/English Dictionary II by An Chrannóg.
Foclóir Gaeilge/Béarla III- Irish/English Dictionary III, including technical and advanced terms.

Gaeilge Word Lookup- In Gaeilge, enter a Gaeilge word into the text box and it will present the singular and plural, genitive and vocative forms of that word. Handy for more advanced students.

Irish Gaelic Translator- Due to the complexity of the Irish language, no computer translator exists to do online translations. IGT is a forum of volunteer Gaeilge-speakers and students who assist in basic translations
Foghlaim na Gaeilge ar an Idirlíon- Irish Gaelic learners' material on the Internet, multiple links to further pages.

Gàidhlig Word Translator- Set for beurla (English) words to be entered into the box and translated to Gàidhlig (Scottish).

Faclair Gàidhlig/Beurla- Scottish/English Dictionary.

Language Resources, Books and Audio
Fios Feasa- Manufacturer of Gaeilge lessons for children and adults alike. Many products available.

Cló Iar-Chonnachta- Another company selling Irish language resource material and books in Irish.

Teach Me Irish- A multimedia program that teaches basic Irish fluency and comprehension.

Teach Me Celtic- For the REAL dedicated, a package of multimedia programs that teach basic fluency and comprehension in all of the Celtic languages- Gaeilge, Gàidhlig, Welsh, Cornish, and Breton. The largest Irish-language bookshop on the World Wide Web, including textbooks and many many Irish-language sourcebooks.

Irish Language Media
Raidió na Gaeltachta- The famous national Irish language public broadcasting radio station.

Live Ireland Radio- Featuring Gaeilge and Bearla (English) programming, music, and live streaming television.

Raidió na Life- 106.4 FM in Dublin, catering to the Irish-speaking communities in Éire and around the world through streaming audio.

TG4-Irish-language television, including streaming video (subscription service, not free), catering to the Irish-speaking communities in Éire and around the world.


  1. The blue text does not show up well against the background colors of your blog.

  2. Yes forgive me, I'm doing all posting by phone or tablet. My computer is on its last leg. 8 yr old MacBook

  3. Also I see no blue. I see green on green and bright green on green and what looks like yellow. Sorry for the format problems. Thank you for letting me know it looks worse than how I see it lol I'll try and fix it somehow when technology is better available.

  4. In the section "Legends and Tales":

    Gods and Fighting Men: The Story of the Tuatha De Danaan and of the Fianna of Ireland, By Lady Augusta Gregory

    the words ", By Lady Augusta Gregory" are blue

    Buile Suibhne (The Frenzy of Suibhne), Translated by J. G. Ó Keeffe

    the words ", Translated by J. G. Ó Keeffe" are blue

    In Manuscripts:

    Leabhar Mór Mhic Fhir Bhisigh, The Great Book of Lecan

    the words ", The Great Book of Lecan" are blue

    Unless I've missed some, those are the only ones.
