Monday, January 16, 2017

Know your faith before you mock mine!

I think you should really come to terms with what you believe and either make a choice and follow it or do something else. It is very simple, you can NOT be a Christian and not follow the 10 commandments. Contrary to popular belief they are not in order of what is most important. You can not pick and choose which best suits you. Breaking one is EQUAL to breaking any of them. That is right- Thou shall not kill is equal to Thou shall not steal. Just as Thou shall not covet a neighbors wife is equal to Remember the sabbath day & to keep it holy. 

So, you really like that house down that one street better than your own house, and you really want it? Thats a SIN the SAME SIN as MURDERING SOMEONE!!! Were you thinking about fucking that cute guy, not doing it but thinking about it, yep sin. Same sin as not going to church! And you're a Christian? Watch your thoughts they could be sending you to hell LOL

Now for a moment think about this; Both Jew and Christian take these rules as only some of the rules of their faith. Yes, they come from the Old Testament which in fact makes them a bit more Jewish, but both Christian and Jew believe that these 10 Commandments were actually written by "The finger of 'God' himself". Moses did not write them and bring them down to the Israelites, GOD WROTE THEM on the tablets and gave them to Moses for him to deliver. Now, do you believe that? Because if you don't... You're not a Christian. 

~ But Which God? 

"I am the Lord thy God"
This actually translates more closely to: "I am Yahweh your God" This is the opening of the 10 Commandments. 

I am Yahweh your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourselves an idol, nor any image of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: you shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them, for I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and on the fourth generation of those who hate me, and showing loving kindness to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.
— Exodus 20:2-6

So, This God Yahweh. He is a Hebrew God, a God who proclaims he is and should be the ONLY God of the Isrealites. Why? Was his competition causing problems? Pretty bold for a God to step out of his pantheon of other Gods and say screw you guys, Im more powerful and better. Btw- these people over here (The Israelites) they are mine now, I claim them. As the Christians would call him "GOD" or God the Father; What do you really know about him? I dunno, how about the fact he just admitted to being a jealous God. One who will punish you if you do not follow him. Hey God, thanks for all those options! LOL He's clear when he says, he's Not the only God, but pick me- pick me, I'm the best and greatest and if you do this I will reward you (he's never really clear how you'll be rewarded), and if you don't you will be punished. Yea, nice God ya have there, but no thanks. Oh yea, he smote entire cities killed tons of people, tried to destroy the earth by a massive flood but choses Noah and allowed his son (Jesus - btw: not his real name) to die and suffer. Great Father-God right there. Oh and I forgot, his promise of ever living after life in heaven that Jesus mentions is ONLY FOR JEWS. But Jews don't really have a "heaven" by traditional/original belief. You have to be Hebrew to be Gods chosen people. After all Yahweh is the one who professes that he should be the only God of the Iseralites. 

But wait - Did Yahweh exist before this and who was he? Was he apart of a larger Pantheon of Gods? It is pretty clear he was a deity from the Iron Age that was connected to 'the sky, and storms'. What about his Wife? (more on that later)

Best God ever, NOT! Thou shall not kill, but its okay if God punishes and kills entire cities? It's not okay to murder we can all agree on that one right? Don't forget the book of Deuteronomy and Leviticus where it is allowed, and encouraged. Yep, you can capture a Pagan in your village, bring them to the boundary of your town line and stone them to death. WHAT?! Yep, God allows you to KILL PAGANS. Says so right in the Bible. Throw rocks at them until they are dead... Nice God. I am the Lord thy God ~ Thou shall not kill, but... kill Pagans, thats okay with me. FUCK THAT! Constant biblical contradictions. 

Faiths like Judaism, Christianity, & Islam are all Middle-Eastern Hebrew and Arab faiths. They all claim to be the only way to salvation or heaven. That each one is the right way. Each has a holy book, each has a prophet, and a God that for way too long people have killed others for because their God told them to. Ask yourself, what does this faith have to do with your ancestral roots? Are you a Jew, are you an Arab? If not can you see how this faith isn't really aimed at you or your ancestors. Again, not who my ancestors were, so I don't care about their faiths. Tolerance and Respect is very important, they often demand it for their faith but fail to have it for anyone else! 

So, What about Jesus?

To be a "Christian" You must FULLY believe in the following 10 statements

1. Jesus was born of a Virgin

2. Was the ONLY son of God

3. Is the ONLY way to salvation

4. Performed the following miracles: 

1)Calms a Storm on the Sea of Galilee with a wave of his hand.
2) Heals the demonized man at Gerasa
3) Raises Jairus's dead daughter back to life
4) Feeds crowd of 5 thousand
5) Heals a man who was born blind
6) Changes water to wine
7) Cures a Centurions servant with no contact
8) Heals the paralytic at the pool- man who couldnt walk for 38 years.
9) Reverses the drought of fish. After a fruitless night of fishing on the Sea of Galilee, Peter receives a command from Jesus to lower his nets again. This time so many fish are caught that Peter’s nets begin to break.
10) Heals the demonized in Synagogue at Capernaum. 
11) Heals Peters monther-in-law and many sick.
12)Heals the leper
13)Heals another paralytic
14) Heals the woman who touched him. 
15) Walks on the lake and stills the storm
16) Feeds four thousand people
17) Heals the blind, mute, and demonized son in Peraea
18) Heals 10 lepers
19) Raises Lazarus from the dead
20) Curses the fig tree and it withers
21) Resurrected himself from the dead
22) After rising from the dead he supplies an abundance of fish

5. You believe in the resurrection of Jesus: That he Died on the Cross & Rose from the Dead

6. You believe in Sin

7. You believe that by believing in and praying to Jesus (ONLY) you will be saved during life and after death because you believe he died for your sins. You don't pray to God, you pray to the "Son of God"

8. You believe in heaven and hell.

9. You believe that the Bible is the actual "word of God". That there is no higher authority of Gods Laws. The Old Testament and The New Testament, You follow all of the 10 Commandments, etc. 

10. You believe in One God that exists in 3 persons also known as the Holy Trinity: Father (God aka. YHWH) Jesus Christ as the only son of God the Father, and the Holy Spirit.

    ~   If you do not believe in ALL  of these things then by definition than you are NOT a Christian, you are something else. You can not pick and chose what you want to believe and call yourself a Christian! That is a fact. That is not how the Religion works!!!!  If a Vegetarian eats a little fish now and then, maybe an egg once a month then they are not a Vegetarian by definition, they are something else. 

There are also things you can not do if you are a Christian. A small example list is as follows: (This is based on the Christian belief that the Bible is the highest authority of Gods Law) 

Shaving - Lev 19:27
Cursing - Eph. 5:4
Gossip - Lev 19:16
Football on Saturday - Exod. 20:8
Eating Lobster - Lev 11:10
Eating Pork - Lev 11:7
Wearing Cotton mixed with other fibers - Lev 19:19
Associating with women who are having their periods - Lev. 15:19-20

After all of this are you a Christian? What God/Lord are you worshiping? You cant pick and choose. Make a choice, and have the guts to follow it through. It's not hard to understand that your ancient ancestors lived just fine with their own Gods for many thousands of years before Christianity even existed. And it wasn't until then that they got along well enough without being ruled by a foreign faith pushed upon them without a choice. You know what? I have a choice, and my choice is to follow my heart and listen to it. That is why I follow the path of my ancestors and have no fear. The Jews and Christians can keep their God, their Lord, their Jesus. I don't believe in sin, I don't believe Mary was a virgin, I don't believe he died on the cross and came back from the dead. Why?

~ Sin never existed outside of the ancient Hebrew world. No other faiths have it. Do the Hindus have it? Did Native Americans have it?  What about the Celts and Norse, the Balts, Slavs, Thracians, Scythians, Etruscans? Nope. It's based on Fear and Guilt they try to instal for control. 

~ Do women get impregnated from God? No! He didn't look like his brothers and sisters; yes Mary and Joseph had other kids after Jesus (Yeshua) which means Joshua. How do women get pregnant? Only one way that I know of- Intercourse; and if that wasn't with her Husband Joseph then she would have been stoned to death while pregnant because that was their law. She could have been unfaithful, or she could have been raped, possibly even by a Roman solider? Regardless a mother protects her unborn child, and she does what? LIES!!! "An angel came to me from God and said...blah blah blah." Why? So she doesn't get brutally murdered by having an entire village throw rocks at her face until her brains ooze out of her head, thats why. 

~ Death on the cross? You can not die and come back days later. Its a story is symbolism, allegory. But people saw him?! That means he didn't die on the cross because there were many accounts people saw him afterwards. So he didn't rise from the dead, he simply wasn't dead. Were they not giving him pain killers while he was up on the cross? Those herbs in the water they washed his wounds with were pain killers. Why was he buried in a private tomb? Why do the Stations of the Cross show the moon out while putting him in the tomb? Were they possibly taking him out of the tomb? Possibly I dunno, moving the body or even reviving/healing him? If I saw someone days later after being killed I'd call that a ZOMBIE. 

Jesus is basically a Pagan God himself...well, "basically." 
The last supper was a passover supper and he breaks all Jewish tradition. He breaks bread and shares it saying to take and eat it as it is his body. Think about it, bread is his body. What is bread? Bread is grain, it is the fertility of the land and hard work of the fields, the harvest. He then is a grain god, and is about the threshing floor, the process of transforming grain to bread, about the winnow and the chaff, about separating and opening. But, he's not the grain really. Grain has to be harvested, just like he was explaining that he would be harvested. But bread is not grain, it is bread; its the grain that has undergone transformation. Its alchemy. He is the bread, the sustainer, the God of the field, "John Barleycorn", he's a Pagan Deity in this aspect! But wait, there is more.

He also took a cup and said something about, "take this all of you and drink from it, for this is my blood"...etc. Really, eat his body and drink his blood? Yes, cannibals and vampires lol Oh, it was wine? Well in all good things Dionysian he then becomes the fermentation of the vine, the produce of the vineyard, the magic of fermentation, and associated again with products of reaping, and harvest. He is not the grape, nor the vine, he is not juice he is the wine. Hey that rhymes! The point here is if his blood is the wine, he is associated with a process of fermentation - transformation, just like the grain to the bread. The grains of the fields transformed, they have to be winnowed on a threshing floor, made into flour, and undergo a transformative process before baked into bread. No doubt a Matzah, a passover bread made of eggs, wine, wheat, barley, spelt, rye, and oats. These were cooked in about 18 min or less as tradition has it the Israelites didn't have time to let their bread rise as they fled Egypt. This does NOT mean they didn't have yeast in them, it means they didn't allow time for the yeast to rise. 

*** Speculation but possible - Could this new covenant be about yeast? Something that "rises again"? We know the wine had wild yeast in it for fermentation and wine was used to make the Matzah. Perhaps the bread at the last supper was a leavened bread? Just a thought. Again, Yeshua was definitely not acting within Jewish tradition when he said those words at his Passover meal. He broke tradition and that was a big no-no to any Jew. It could even be argued that he wasn't trying to form a new religion but rather reform Judaism. Thats the big one all Christians miss. 
~ Don't even get me started on Catholic thought about this. That God gives the Priest magical powers to actually transform, NOT through symbolism but actually transform the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus. Listen again, the actual body and blood of Jesus. Transubstantiation, Look it up! Btw: It wasn't invented or used prior to the 11th century. Yet Today every Catholic takes part in this each Sunday. Not really, do you know any Catholics that go to Church every Sunday? LOL. Keep holy the sabbath for them is only on Easter and Christmas. 

Here is another provoking thought. Is it possible that God the Father (Yahweh) is not God the Father Jesus was talking about in his sermons? Think about where Yahweh comes from, who he is, his story/lore and his over-all nature in the Old Testament. Could it be suggested that Jesus was actually a messenger, teacher, prophet, whatever of the real "all powerful creator" sent here to teach us and remind us about love etc showing that the Father of Jewish Old Testament  isn't actually the real father at all, but a deity that stepped in with his own agenda? Hey just a thought. If you read everything Jesus supposedly talks about 'His Father' none of the characteristics of the Old Testament God seem to fit. 

These are some other things to consider:
The Bible might be inspired by divinity but its a peoples book and therefore can be dangerous to base any form of credibility in its pages. It is a work that you read in your own language which by all means does not read the same way in its original texts. Translation upon translation, things omitted and taken out, edits, etc all make this book unreliable.

So.. The Dead Sea Scrolls. They are older and perhaps the most accurate of Old Testament, they are written in Hebrew Aramaic, and Greek. But we often see that even simple words can differ greatly! 

Things like God creating mankind in his own image. When it reads - We created you in our image. Thats plural.  Because at one time the Hebrew God was not a sexless being. He had a consort. 

Words like 'Adam' - was a Hebrew word not meaning the name of an individual but it means 'human race'. 

With things like the Gospels, they are not 1st hand accounts of Jesus and his life, the 4 gospels are not a reality!
Mark was the 1st to be written and that was in 70 AD. None of them were 1st hand accounts. None of them actually met Jesus. Christianity existed for 300 before there was a New Testament. Yep, re-read that again and ask yourself why are you even reading this 'Bible'

So, who were the authors then of this New Testament?

I think all of these authors had a goal and an agenda, they included stories that met their agenda. The real author lies about their identity by telling stories that place them along side Jesus. This is a fact and provable. 

Greek is the oldest and most common language of the Roman world and this is what we have written about Jesus that is used to create a later giant following used Globally. These people in charge of the writing wanted Romans with money to form a religion, one that could be used for power. Constantine did so in his religious political agenda for control we all know this.

There are so many stories that were not in the Bible that people accept today like they were. 
For instance, there no three wisemen at Jesus birth... no Gold, frankincense, and myrrh. We often see the gospels don't agree. This with so many mistranslations over the centuries simply prove the book is unreliable as a source of faith. 

Every translation is an interpretation!

At Jesus death:
The women ran away, they were afraid....

The original page was destroyed or deleted, or even lost. It was most likely on the back of another page that didn't make the book. Then someone much later added 8 more verses #9-20 of the story of his resurrection. Why, because people were so dissatisfied with Marks gospel and how it ended abruptly. It became common practice to edit the bible to support new religious beliefs. Mother church had an official translation and ONLY a priest could interpret the content. You had to go to them for your questions and guidance. 

You could not translate the Bible from Latin or Hebrew or Greek on your own without persecution. It was forbidden to own an unlicensed bible, and you would be put to death for heresy. The bible was not for everyone, it was priests only. Did you hear that... You were put to DEATH for owing an "unlicensed bible". Thou shall not kill?

Stories added like the one found in the King James bible where Jesus catches a woman committing adultery (John 7 and 8)
 Jesus says let them without sin cast the 1st stone. This was never in any of the original books. It was a story people told about him and then added at that time because of how they felt Jesus might have acted in that situation.

The Bible has been trimmed, cut, embellished and even mythologized to the point of romanticism so many times even the basic messages have been lost. 

Back to the Dead Sea Scrolls - 
Not every piece is account for. Back in 1947 many fragments and even entire scrolls were stolen and sold off. Might there be tons of info missing that is untranslated or even lost forever that tells us another story, are there more scrolls out there still in a desert cave that would give us insight?  

So who decides what is cannon? Why do they chose this over that? I feel the agenda is politics and not religious. Books edited out like the Apocrypha which means "hidden things" or secret teaching are not accepted as accepted cannon but they give an alternative source to understand things that were rejected.  That any book which contradicts what they accept to be cannon is rejected and considered heresy and then punishable by torture and death. Very Christian LOL

You could look at The Book of Enoch. "He walked with God and then he was not, God took him." 
He was removed from Hebrew texts but why? Was the message of promoting the notion that God is angry and vengeful, to where Enoch shows God as compassionate and caring about human welfare somehow controversial and not fitting to accepted texts. I think so. 

The Nag Hammadai have 52 texts and were compiled around the 2-4th centuries by The Gnostics. Many of the texts were burned and destroyed because they did not fit the political agenda of the established message. For instance the Gospel of Thomas. It offers a very different form of Christianity with a very different Jesus.
So, what about his missing years? Where did he travel? His teachings are often very foreign to Jewish practice!

Look at Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Look into the Gospel of Mary - written 2nd Cent AD
He shared things with her that he didn't share with his other disciples. It has even been written that he loved her more. Why? I dunno, maybe she was his wife? The established church was a men rule over women system, and this takes hold and forces her story out. The Roman world operated on a male dominate system and you see her story disappear out of history. 

What of the Garden and the serpent? God doesn't want you to pursue knowledge. Why wouldn't God want you to have knowledge? The serpent granted knowledge to mankind instead of keeping it and hiding it from them. If God loves you so much why can you not have knowledge? Why is knowledge forbidden? The Church places blame on Eve not the serpent
Well what about Lilith? What about the people outside of the Garden? Mentioned but never discussed.

~ 1st cent ad The book, The life of Adam and Eve which based on an original Hebrew script offers a glimpse at the life after their expulsion from the garden. You see a more detailed story of Cain & Able, Seth, 30 sons and 30 daughters. 

Okay "God"
The Israelites in 8-9 century BCE give us Hebrew inscriptions - that "God" had a wife. Yahweh and his Asherah.  She is mentioned more than 40 times in 9 different books. Often as the Queen of heaven. She worshiped as late as the 7th cent bc and her symbols are a tree and a serpent. It could be suggested that the Adam and Eve stories are derived from older Goddess myths. Though in later stories and in books like Deuteronomy she is banned, she is not tolerated or accepted as being even related to or apart of Yahweh. Why? Because to the Israelites God 'became' but wasn't always, a sexless deity, and had no consort. But only among the Israelites was "he" a sexless gender.  The concept of El and Elohim, etc were not original to their concept of God. The Gnostics show her as an equal, as a mother with her husband Yahweh as a Father in Heaven (sky) by the gnostics. Earth Mother, Sky Father... very-very common in the ancient world. Look at Proto-Indo-European religion. The symbols connected to Asherah are no doubt connected to the Garden of Eden stories, the tree and serpent. Don't forget these stories were told in Mesopotamia long before they became adopted by the Israelites. 

Books like Revelations are very odd! 
Look at John's Apocalypse - which comes from the Greek and means "a revealing or an unveiling"; not the end of the world doomsday type of event. It is about a prophet that has a vision. There were other books just like it that didn't make it in the final draft like, The Apocalypse of Peter.  This was just one of 20 books of revelation that were kept out of the standard Bible that people accept as "The Bible" today. In Peters story it offers a guided tour of heaven and hell where Peter is shown by Jesus what hell and torture is like. Its pretty entraining. 

~ ALL Bible stories are censored and edited.  

Who was this Jesus? 
He was actually born around 4-7 BCE, during the reign of Herod the Great, so we live on a wrong calendar. LOL, Nice thanks a lot Churchies. 
He was not born in Bethlehem, but in Nazareth. We know this by Roman census which for taxation they kept good documentation. So why they story? The Messiah was suppose to be born in Bethlehem, so they changed their story to fit his role. What about his life before he was a prophet? His Lost years? He had 4 brothers and a few sisters, about 7 kids or more in his family and they get lost later in his life story because of the importance of the "Virginity of Mary".

Born of a Virgin?
In Hebrew the original text Mary is called - "Almah" which simply means a young woman, one of marital age. It wasn't until the translation into Greek where the translators thought this meant virgin. They ran with this virgin title with an attempt to justify Jesus as a Messiah in his fulfillment role of the Old Testament prophesies. All of a sudden he was divine and a miracle child. Young woman of marrying age does not mean Virgin! Kinda a big deal. 

Want a different perspective of Jesus as a child? Read the Infancy Gospel of Thomas was Jesus Brother. 

 Who was Jesus mentors? Perhaps John the Baptist aka John the dipper. It could be said that he was Jesus 1st cousin. 
It was written that Mary was kins woman of Elizabeth... 'John's Mother'. They probably grew up together, John was the big guy, well known, many thought John was their teacher and Messiah. John was popular and dangerous because the Jews didnt like being a conquered people from the Romans. The Romans eventually had him arrested, sent to prison, and beheaded. 
This is when Johns followers begin to followed Jesus, and why not, Jesus was probably right there beside John helping him, especially if they were family. 

So were his miracles real, or did his followers help him publicly so more people would follow him? His messages were directed the poor people. He threatens the status quo.  He tells people to quit their jobs and to leave their families. Yep...leave your family! WHAT? No thanks Josh, I love my wife and kids! It was women that contributed funds to his ministry - Because he had no job, no money to eat or drink. Mary is mentioned again as his benefactor, maybe Mary was his wife? She was not a prostitue but a victim of a churches agenda to take away power from the female role in all things spiritual. The Bible is very clear about the 'role of women.' They are NOT equals, very Abrahamic and even Roman. 

So many get stuck on titles.
Things like "The son of man"... In Aramaic, Bar 'ěnoš. simply meant "a person." It's like saying 'someone'. It wasn't really connected to any Messianic meaning. But he did know the scriptures and tried to step into a role that already existed. His primary task was to recreate the kingdom of David on earth and to liberate the Jews. Did he actually claim he was the Messiah? His message was about renewal, revolution, change, and fulfillment of the old prophesies. He was trying to fulfill that common people were equal to the wealthy. This resonated with the occupied Jews. The Romans see him as a threat because he has a political agenda; He was after all a revolutionary. Think about this for a second, at one time people in Germany were upset about foreign influence in their homeland and Hitler rose to power exploiting our nation, a nation of Germany for Germans. Eh hem, Jeusus was all about his land being returned to the Jews. Its political and although not exactly the same, its still social/political. Jesus simply used religion to reach the people with his messages for liberation. 
He told his apostles there will be 12 thrones to rule over the 12 tribes of Israel. His mission was non military. But if thats what their role was to be, what was Jesus role? Was Jesus to be the "New King of the Jews? 

He was a passive holy man type figure, but by allowing his followers to call him Messiah this was like waging war on Caesar himself. He could have easily told them not to call me that, but he didnt. The religious hierarchy and the Romans plotted his death for being someone who was starting a movement that could create a war. A week before passover in Jerusalem, Jesus enters the city on a donkey.
He humbly riding on a donkey fulfills this old image of prophecy to show Jews present who he thought he was... the promised Davidic King, the Messiah. He was starting a rebellion by doing this. Roman rule did not fancy such demonstrations, and action would be taken on account of his public political statements. 

At the Temple he looses his temper over financial corruptions and makes a scene. Stating, "this house of God which is for prayer for ALL nations, has become a house of commerce." Doing so he becomes a vice of judgement. Ultimately this sets the course to his death. He shouts and whips people, was he trying to ignite a political revolt. The question here is; was he delusional in who he thought he was as the Messiah, and how he perceived himself?  So he was arrested on a charge of sedition.  He was to be put to death with no hearing, or formality as we see in the bible, but thats not Roman practice. Also its held at night, on a holy day, at passover, all of which was illegal. Doesn't make much sense. With a crime written above his head, "king of the jews" which he never said he was, he was placed in a private tomb. Why?

Three days after his death "3 days" huh..? The moon dies and is reborn after 3 days. 
It was in the private tomb of his uncle - Joseph of Arimathea who put him there. When passover is done, a final rite and final resting place would be in order, and the body was taken for a 'final burial'. Why was his body missing when the women went to check on him? He was missing because he died hours before the sabbath and had to be later prepared for final burial. BUT was he deliberately removed to create speculation, and controversy, and were the gospels written to promote his divine origins? His followers were the ones that make him into the Messiah, its they who elevate him to a status which is still seen as divine. So, he either died on the 'Cross' (probably not actually a crucifix) because lets face it, he was tortured and there are no accounts to people surviving a Roman death sentence. Unless it was an inside job? Unless they took him down and he healed and was moved? If people did actually see him 3 days later it was because he wasn't dead; Not that he rose from the dead. OR there was a type of hysteria surrounding their belief in what he programmed them to believe. Who knows? Not really a care I have. 

~ Anyway, Not my circus, not my monkeys. This is not my faith. The details I find interesting for study but thats it. I will not worship a man that "might" have existed a few thousand years ago who isn't even of 'my people'. My Gods are much different. Jesus - if he did exist probably had a good message, one that is no doubt over seen and lost! His message, I think is pretty basic: don't be a dick! Anything past that we really have no clue about. 

I think Christians should really come to terms with what they believe and either make a choice and follow it or do something else. Educate yourself on your faith for starters before you preach to me. It is very simple, you can NOT be a Christian and not follow the 10 commandments. You can not pick and choose within your faith, your religion does not allow for that. If you want to that is fine, lots of people do that, but they can not be defined as a Christian. There are things that define you as a Christian; Either follow those things or do something else. I am not an anti Jew or an anti Christian, I am though against uneducated masses that feel the need to push their faith into my life. You have a choice, I have choice, thats the beauty of life. The nice thing is, if you choose to "shove your dove" into my life I will kill it and feed it to my children. Birds taste good. Know your faith and don't mock mine; now go eat your stale Jesus chips and have a pleasant day! 

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