Saturday, May 13, 2017

Bealtaine Ritual


Draoi: Támuid an seo chun onóir a thabhairt do na Déithe
Ceann Teaghlach: Fáilte agus Lá Bealtaine sona daoibh! 

Morrighan Chant:
Morrigan Morrigan Morrigan Morrigu,
Morrigan Morrigan Morrigan Badb,
Morrigan Morrigan Morrigan, Macha.
Morrigain, Morrigu, Macha, Badb (x3)

Draoi- (Dagda Chant/Waulking song) [Call & Responce] 

Hao riri o hu o
Ro-ho io hi o
Dagda mór 
E o hao-o hao o
Hao riri o hu o
Ro-ho io hi o
Ruadh Rofhessa
E o hao-o hao o
Hao riri o hu o
Ro-ho io hi o
Eochaidh Ollathair
E o hao-o hao o
Hao riri o hu o
Ro-ho io hi o (x3) 

Ceann Teaghlach: 
Sidh go neimh
Neimh go domhan
Domhan fo neimh
Neart í gcách

Fiach Chroí: - An Cailleach, Mother of mountains, of tribes and Gods; we bid you farewell on your way to sleep. May you rest peacefully in your slumber until we feel your frozen face upon us at Samhain. 

(Fire Song) (People sing while fire is being lit) 
Burn bright, flame within me. Kindled of eternal fire.
Of the people I will be. And the people apart of me
All are one of many parts. Single fire of flaming hearts. (x3) 

Fire Priestess: (light candles): "Seo an Tine Choisrichthe"  May Brigits Flame burn bright within our hearts and hearths.

Ceann Teaghlach:
ón lár chuig an imeall  Draoi:  an neimheadh seo
ón lár chuig an imeall  Draoi:  Cosaint na nDéithe do an áit seo
ón lár chuig an imeall  Draoi:  Go raibh beannacht na nDéithe agus ár sinsir ar an neimheadh seo    

Fiach Chroí: Osclaítear na geataí 

Séamus: (North) "Ogma, Sun Face, eloquent champion of the Tuatha Dé, shinning champion of the Gods, we ask that you stand with us, that we may celebrate in peace. Hold forth your sword and protect the people." 

DraoiGo dtugtar onóir do na sinsiríthe

(West)  "Ancestors we welcome you to our rite. As your blood flows through us into the future, may your voice whisper to us across the winds of time and become the words which we speak to the ears of our children."   

Ceann Teaghlach: Go dtugtar onóir do na Déithe.

Chant:  "Gods of the people. People of the Gods"
(chant continues while following Sacrifice is called & during Draoi)

 (West)  "In great ships they loaded their 4 treasures and themselves, leaving behind forever the 4 great cities, and sailed through the skies to find a new world. And this is how our Gods come, and in your coming may you be welcomed. May fires burn in your honor, may there be songs in your presence and my the feats be laid before you." 

Draoi: Nan Diathan a tha san talamh
            Nan Diathan a tha san neamh
            Nan Diathan a tha sa mhuir mhoir bhorcaich 

(chant slows & stops) 

All: [Call out to your Patron or Pass] (start with Ceann, end with Draoi)

Sacrifice- "Angus Mac Oc, son of the young for young is the son, conceived and born on the same day. Ruler of the Brú na Boínne, helper of lovers. The birds themselves sing your praise songs. Oh White winged wandering wayfarer, we ask your blessings as we journey into the work of summer. 

Fire Priestess: (second fire is lit along with incense) 

Fiach Chroí: "Pass now between the flame and be cleansed and renewed. One at a time come and tie a knot of your summers intentions into the cord." (Passed to the Ceann to be held aloft for all to see. Ceann hands cord to the Draoi.)

Draoi: See before you the cord of "OUR" intentions, of our hopes & dreams, and of our goals & wishes. May they manifest for us in ways of growth and achievement. Bíodh sé amhlaidh ("So be it.") 

(Draoi to dispose of the cord in the woods or in the fire) 

Baby Freya's Birth Rite

Ceann Teaghlach:
Arise Today baby Freya Bláithín
Through the strength of heaven
The Light of sun,
& Radiance of moon.
Arise today by Splendor of fire,
the Speed of lightning,
& Swiftness of wind.
Arise today by the Depths of sea,
The Stability of the earth & Firmness of rock.
Freya Bláithín: Arise today through the blessings of the elements in a new form as they wash over you in Truth, Love, and Beauty.

Mary Ellen:
May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you
Séamus: (or your own words 'gaeilge') 
Fáilte ar aisBeannachtaí na sinsear ar ort Síochán leat, An grásta na ndéithe a bheith in éineacht leat.

Fiach Chroí:    
Ancient ones Circle this child
Keep protection near
And danger afar.
Ancestors Circle this child,
Keep hope within.
Keep doubt without.
Spirits of our people Circle this child
Keep light near
And darkness afar.
Family of this child, Circle her.
Keep peace within.
Keep malevolence out.
Go raibh beannacht na ndéithe agus ár sinsir ar an bpáiste seo! 

  (Draoi uses 'The Waters mixed with Mead' to bless each wave)
 Fiach Chroí: 
A small wave for your form.  Séamus: Tonnan beag do cruth
A small wave for your voice.                Tonna beag do Ghuth    
A small wave for your eloquence          Tonna beag do Mhánrain                       
A small wave for your appetite              Tonna beag do Chàleachd
A small wave for your health                 Tonna beag do Shlànachd
A small wave for your life                     Tonna beag do Shaohail 
A small wave for your wealth                Tonna beag do Mhaoin
A small wave for your generosity          Tonna beag do Bhuig
A small wave for your graciousness       Tonna beag do Ghràsachd
Fiach Chroí:
Nine waves of grace for you Freya Bláithín 
By land, sea, and sky 
May you be welcomed among the people.
By the Tuatha Dé, the Gods of our people, 
the Spirits of the Otherworld, 
and the Ancestors whose blood lives within you; 
may you ever be blessed by these waves of grace. 

Séamus: An duigh, a nochd, agus suthain. 

Draoi: Ón áit os comhair àr sùile chuig an áit istigh iontu

Draoi: (Divination for Freya)

~ Draoi: 
"Before us stands a warrior. One that has seen battle, blood, and death. One who has risked his life for our freedom. This warrior is my friend and our guest today. From his early days of youth playing in the mountains of Mayo, through adolescence and into maturity he has always treaded the path of the Warrior. Recently Séamus you have completed your military service, and all whom are present honor and thank you for your time over seas. May this Torc forever remind you of your duty and obligation to protect and defend those you call family and friend. May Donn the ancestor of Gael look upon you with pride. In wearing this Torc may you be blessed by the Gods, the Ancestors and the Sidhe folk. On this day of Bealtaine I present you with your 1st Torc. (Draoi places Torc around the neck) 

 * Go raibh beannacht na ndéithe agus ár sinsir ar an bhfear seo.
* Go gcumhdaí is dtreoraí na déithe thú 

Paticipant: "Angus Mac Oc, helper of lovers & young sun of summers beauty we thank you. Go raibh maith agat

Paticipant: "Gods and Goddesses of our Mothers and Fathers, High ones of the Ancestors, Rulers of these realms and the forces that fill them. You protect and provided for the people as they scatter across the land in this season of growth. We ask that you once again aid these people as our heads, hands and hearts turn to far-flung journeys of Summer. May we be protected and blessed in our work and in our search for this seasons prosperity. Shinning ones of elder days-for your blessings over us- 
All: Go raibh maith agaibh!  

 Participant: Mothers and Fathers of Blood and of Spirit, most honored ancestors, we stand in respect and thankfulness for who we are because of your sacrifices for our lives. We return the love with honoring you today, and everyday. 
All: Go raibh maith agaibh! 

Séamus: "Ogma, great champion of the Gods for your protection this day we give thanks. 
All: Go raibh maith agat! 

Fire Priestess: "Feed the flames and set them dancing, hail to the sun and hail to all life. May the spear of fire burn within us to provide inspiration and direction in our work. Birigit, may your flame always be lit within us!"  
All: Go raibh maith agat

Fiach Chroí: (whispers) "Great grandmother, veiled one, witch and blue-hag please rest deeply now. We will see you again.  
All: Go raibh maith agat. 

Ceann Teaghlach: An Dagda, Eochaidh Ollathair, Ruadh Rofhessa; May your fertile bounty be present within our lives, may the abundance we grow be shared with all those in need. 

All: Go raibh maith agat! 

Draoi: Over hills and over meadows, see the crow fly, feel her shadow. 
Over woods and over mountains, searching for a war.
Her wings embrace each strife and battle, 
where swords they clash and chariots rattle. 
Seeking out the one whose time has come to take the blade.
Morrighan ancient crone of war, i'll see your face I'll cry no more.
Morrighan ancient crone of war come lift us on your wings.
Morrihagn ancient crone of war, we hear voice we'll grieve no more
Morrighan ancient cronce of war, come set our spirits free! 

All: Go raibh maith agat

Fiach Chroí: It is the hour of recall. As the radiance of this ceremony comes to an end let it remain as a light in your hearts. May your memories hold what the eye and ear have gained this day. May its inspiration continue within our beings.
Dúntar na geataí  

Draoi: Neart inár lámha, fírinne ar ár dteanga, glaine inár gcroí.                                         

Ceann Teaghlach: Is é an dóiteán a chomhlánú. 

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