Monday, November 13, 2017

Scottish Gaelic for Gaelic Polytheists

Scottish Gaelic 
For Gaelic Polytheists 
From: Dance of Oak and Wren: Rites of Draíocht by Robert Barton

Greeting the Sun

Failte ort fèin, a grian nan tràth
Hail to you, you sun of seasons
‘S tu siubhal ard nan speur
As you traverse the skies above

Do cheumaibh truen air sgèith nan ard
Your steps are strong on wings of the heavens

‘S tu màthair àigh nan reul
You are the glorious mother of the stars

Thu laighe sios cuan na dith
You lay down in the destructive ocean

Gun diobh is gun sgàth
Without impairment and without fear

Thu ‘g èirigh suas air stuagh na sith
You rise up on the peaceful wavecrest

Mar rioghainn òg fo bhlath
Like a queenly maiden in bloom

Sìth air gach uinneig, air gach doras.     Peace on every window and every door.
Sìth air gach tolla leigheas solas.           Peace on every opening that lets in light.
Sìth air ceithir oiseannan mo thaighe.    Peace on the four corners of my house.
Sìth air ceither oiseannan mo leaba.       Peace on the four corners of my bed.
Sìth air gach nì achì mo shuil.                Peace on everything seen by my eye.
Sìth air gach nì a tha dha m’bhrù.          Peace on everything taken in by my mouth.
Sìth air mo chorpa tha dh’an uir.            Peace on my body of earth.
Sìth is air m’anam thàin os cionn.           Peace on my soul from on high.

Sith co Nem Peace up to the heavens.
Nem co doman         Heavens down to earth.
Doman fo nem Earth under heavens
Nearst hi cach Strength in all

Seo an teine choisrigte. Behold the sacred flame.

(From the center)                         (From the edge)
Ón lár chuig an imeall   Seo an nèamhaidh
Ón lár chuig an imeall Dìon nan Diathan air an àite seo
Ón lár chuig an imeall      Gu robh beannachd nan Diathan agus ar sinnsearan air an nèamhaidh seo.

Nan Diathan a tha san talamh Gods in the earth
Nan Diathan a tha san neamh Gods in the sky
Nan Diathan a tha sa mhuir mhóir bhòcaich  Gods in the great pouring sea

Dìon nan Diathan air An àite seo.  Protection of the gods on this place.
Gu robh beannachd na Diathan agus ar Sinnsearan air an àite seo. May the gods and ancestors bless this place.

Ann an gaol nan Diathan  In the love of the Gods
Ann an gràdh nan Diathan In the affection of the Gods
Ann an toil nan Diathan In the will of the Gods
Ann an suil nan Diathan  In the eye of the Gods
Ann an run nan Diathan In the purpose of the Gods
Ann an cùram nan Diathan In the charge of the Gods

Ón áit os comhair àr sùile chuig an áit istigh iontu. 
From before our eyes to within them.

Aid of the Gods
Sith co Nem Peace up to the heavens.
Nem co doman Heavens down to earth.
Doman fo nem Earth under heavens
Nearst hi cach Strength in all

Seo an teine choisrigte. Behold the sacred flame.

(From the center)                         (From the edge)
Ón lár chuig an imeall   Seo an nèamhaidh
Ón lár chuig an imeall Dìon nan Diathan air an àite seo
Ón lár chuig an imeall      Gu robh beannachd nan Diathan agus ar sinnsearan air an nèamhaidh seo.

Nan Diathan a tha san talamh Gods in the earth
Nan Diathan a tha san neamh Gods in the sky
Nan Diathan a tha sa mhuir mhóir bhòcaich  Gods in the great pouring sea

Dìon nan Diathan air An àite seo.  Protection of the gods on this place.

Gu robh beannachd na Diathan agus ar Sinnsearan air an àite seo. May the Gods and ancestors bless this place.

Mo, do, or bhur may be used. 
Nan Diathan mo chaim The gods to my enfolding.
Nan Diathan mo chuirt     …surrounding
Nan Diathan mo chain       …speaking
Nan Diathan mo smuai       …thinking
Nan Diathan mo chadal       …sleeping
Nan Diathan mo dhùsg     …waking
Nan Diathan mo chaithris     …watching
Nan Diathan mo dhùil     …hoping
Nan Diathan mo bheatha       …life
Nan Diathan mo bhilibh     …lips
Nan Diathan m’ anam     …soul
Nan Diathan mo chridhe     …heart
Nan Diathan mo riaradh     …sufficiency
Nan Diathan mo shuain     …slumber
Nan Diathan m’ anam siorraidh     …everliving soul
Nan Diathan m’ bhioth bhuan     …eternity

Ón áit os comhair àr sùile chuig an áit istigh iontu. From before our eyes to within them. 

Journey blessing
Sith co Nem Peace up to the heavens.
Nem co doman Heavens down to earth.
Doman fo nem Earth under heavens
Nearst hi cach Strength in all

Seo an teine choisrigte. Behold the sacred flame.

(From the center)                         (From the edge)
Ón lár chuig an imeall   Seo an nèamhaidh
Ón lár chuig an imeall Dìon nan Diathan air an àite seo
Ón lár chuig an imeall      Gu robh beannachd nan Diathan agus ar sinnsearan air an nèamhaidh seo.

Nan Diathan a tha san talamh Gods in the earth
Nan Diathan a tha san neamh Gods in the sky
Nan Diathan a tha sa mhuir mhóir bhòcaich  Gods in the great pouring sea

Dìon nan Diathan air An àite seo.  Protection of the gods on this place.

Gu robh beannachd na Diathan agus ar Sinnsearan air an àite seo. May the gods and ancestors bless this place.

Manannan bhith leat air gach bealach. Manannan be with you in every pass.
Manannan bhith leat air gach talach. Manannan be with you on every hill.
Manannan bhith leat air gach strutha. Manannan be with you at every stream.
Ruadh, s’raighe, is rèid lein. Headland ridge and lawn.
Gach muir is tir, gach frith is cluan. Each sea and land, each moor and meadow.
Gach laighe sios, gach éirigh suas. Each lying down, each rising up.
An lag nantonn, air barr nan stuagh. In trough of waves, on crest of billows.
Gach ceum dh’an chuart dh’an téid thu. Each step of the journey you go.

Extinguishing fire.
Ón áit os comhair àr sùile chuig an áit istigh iontu.  From before our eyes to within them.

Charm of Protection
Sith co Nem Peace up to the heavens.
Nem co doman Heavens down to earth.
Doman fo nem Earth under heavens
Nearst hi cach Strength in all

Seo an teine choisrigte. Behold the sacred flame.

(From the center)                         (From the edge)
Ón lár chuig an imeall   Seo an nèamhaidh
Ón lár chuig an imeall Dìon nan Diathan air an àite seo
Ón lár chuig an imeall      Gu robh beannachd nan Diathan agus ar sinnsearan air an nèamhaidh seo.

Nan Diathan a tha san talamh Gods in the earth
Nan Diathan a tha san neamh Gods in the sky
Nan Diathan a tha sa mhuir mhóir bhòcaich  Gods in the great pouring sea

Dìon nan Diathan air an àite seo.  Protection of the gods on this place.

Gu robh beannachd na Diathan agus ar Sinnsearan air an àite seo.
May the gods and ancestors bless this place.

Seun romh shaighead           Charm against arrow
Seun romh chlaidhe           Charm against sword
Seun romh shleagha                   Charm against spears
Seun romh bhrùdh ‘s romh bhà thadh. Charm against bruising and against drowning.
Seun romh athain           Charm against firebrand.
Seun romh nathair           Charm against snake
Seun romh bheithir           Charm against lightning
Seun romh bheud air bhlàraibh.  Charm against harm in fields of battle.
Seun romh shiodhach Charm against sidhe-child
Seun romh shaoglach Charm against earth-child
Seun romh bhiodhbhach         Charm against hostile one
Seun romh bhaoghal bàsach Charm against deadly peril

Dha do dhìon o do chùlaibh.  To guard you from your back
Dha do  chaomhnadh o t’aghaidh. To preserve you from your front.
O mhullach do chin agus t’urla. From the crown of your head and forehead.
Gu dubh bhonn do choise. To the sole of your foot.

Is eileann thu am muir. An island are you in the sea.
Is tulach thu air tir. A hill are you on land.
Is  fuaran thu am fàsach. A well are you in wilderness.
Is slàinte thu dh’an tinn. Health are you to the ill.

Ón áit os comhair àr sùile chuig an áit istigh iontu. From before our eyes to within them.

Feast blessing
Bless the Host and host
Hunter and hunted
Hands and harvest
Hearth and hall
Field and fruit
Feast and friends
Cup and contents
Tongues and tales
Singers and songs

We give praise to the Túatha dé Dannan, the Gods of our people and our Ancestors. 
We thank you for this meal and all that has come before it. 

Bless the Field and the Fruit
The Hunter and the Hunted
The Hands and the Harvest
The Brewer and the Brew
and the Home and the Hearth 

Scottish Gaelic Ritual Terms
Alexei Kondratiev

Gods            Nan Diathan
Ancestors    Ar Sinnsearan

We are here to honour the Gods.  Tha sinn annseo chum urram a chur air na Diathan.

So be it.  Bitheadh e mar sin.

Gods be with you.  Na Diathan libh.

 And also with you.  Agus leat fhín.

Thank you.   Tapadh leat (pl. leibh)

May the Gods be honoured.   Cuirear urram air na Diathan.

Let the gates be opened.   Fosgailtear na geataichean.

Let the gates be closed.     Dùintear na geataichean.

May the Gods and ancestors bless ____.   Gu robh beannachd nan Diathan agus ar sinnsearan air ______.

Protection of the Gods upon _________.   Dìon nan Diathan air_______.

Behold the ______________.     Seo an___.

This Sacred Fire.  An Teine coisrigte seo.    

This Sacred Place.    An nèamhaidh seo

This Sacred Tree.  Am Bile seo.

This place.   An àite seo.

This Water of life (whiskey).    An uisge beatha seo.

This Water.    An uisge seo

This object.   An rud seo

This cup.    A' chopain seo

This well.    An tobar seo.

This Stone. An clach seo , (tursach, standing stone)

This pit.     An sloc seo

This Tribe.   An treubh seo.

This child.  A' phàisde seo.

This man.   An fhear seo.

This woman.   A' bhoireannach seo.

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