Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Samhain Ritual

Samhuinn Ritual
 Poball nan Ealachan Naomha

Sacrifice: Morrigan Chant continues during blessing: Blessing of Morrigan.  Sith co Nem – Nem co doman – Doman fo nem – Nearst hi cach

Sacrifice:  chant: Blàth-fhliosg na mara, Blàth-fhliosg nan talamh
Blàth-fhliosg nan neamh A’ Chailleach Màthair nan Diathan

 End Chant with: Failte A Chailleach!  

- Processional

Opening by Draoi: “Tha sinn annseo chum urram a chuir air nan Diathan. 

Burn bright, flame within me. Kindled of eternal fire
Of the people I will be. And the people a part of me
All are one of many parts. Single fire of flaming hearts.

Sacrifice: Firepriest points at the fire and says: “Seo an teine choisrigte.  Failte Daigre.  

Ceann-Poball:                   Draoi responds:
Ón lár chuig an imeall Seo an nèamhaidh
Ón lár chuig an imeall Dìon nan Diathan air an àite seo
Ón lár chuig an imeall Gu robh beannachd nan Diathan agus ar sinnsearan air an-       nèamhaidh seo.

Sacrifice: Honouring from the North. (facing the south): "Ogma sunface, bright champion of the Tuatha Dé Danann we offer to you a gift and ask that you insure our protection in this darkness between worlds and without time."

Ceann-Poball: "Cuirear urram air ar sinnsearan."

All Sing:
From far beyond this mortal plane. Mothers and Fathers of old
We pray that you return again. Mothers and fathers of old
To share with us your mystery. Secrets long untold
Of the ancient ways we seek to reclaim. Mothers and Fathers of old.

Oh come and tell of a distant age. Mothers and Fathers of old
King and warrior, bard and mage. Mothers and Fathers of old.
As you share with us the mysteries. Your stories will unfold
And the ancient ways we see once again, Mothers and Fathers of old.

Sacrifice:  West- Facing the Skull or Head. "Honoured Dead, those who were before and yet live on in us, as we shall live on in our children.  Hear our voices across the sea and among the apples of youth.  Receive this gift and show to us your favour." 

Ceann Poball: “Cuirear urram air nan Diathan.”

Chant continues through entire calling until the patrons have been called:  “Gods of the people, people of the gods.” (repeated several times)

Sacrifice: Calling to the West. “In great ships they loaded their 4 treasures and themselves, leaving behind forever the four great cities, and sailed through the skies to find a new world. This is how our gods come, and in your coming may you be welcomed. May fires burn in your honour, may there be songs in your presence and may feasts be laid before you."  

Ceann-Poball or Draoi:
Nan Diathan a tha san talamh
Nan Diathan a tha san neamh
Nan Diathan a tha sa mhuir mhóir bhòrcaich

Naming the patron deities starting with the Ceann-Poball and continuing around the group sunwise.

Ceann-Poball or Draoi: Samhain...

Chant continues through the calling until signalled to stop.

Morrigan Morrigan Morrigan Morrigu,
Morrigan Morrigan Morrigan Badb,
Morrigan Morrigan Morrigan, Macha.
Morighain Morrigu, Macha Badb

Sacrifice: (A plate of raw meat that has been cut up is taken out and placed for the crows.) 

A lone voice says this three times gaining in volume each time. “Under the Darkwing – We Stand!”

*Calling may be memorised or extemporised and may be accompanied by a bodhrán playing in triplets like a running mare. It should be shouted or loudly called in an uninhibited or frenzied manner without restraint starting while standing in the gates and walking to the centre and ending in an intense whisper and period of silence.

“A Mhorrighan, harvester of heroes,  hooded black winged shadow over the battle field, a scream in the night, running mare, nightmare. She wolf running just there, in the dark. Charging Red Heifer. Voice of poetry, poetry of destiny, destiny of the hero. Entanglement under the waves and the washer at the ford and a lover by the riverside. A fire-pit cooking a feast of fate – light of the Fianna. Great Queen, Great Queens. Maker of kings, running red mare falling, birthing. Nine tresses your hair, you who are many and you who is one. Know her and Be Still.”

Sacrifice: The head of Donn is picked up and carried in from the west and around before the people and then held up in the centre. 

- “Donn, Lord of Tech Duinn, the first of The Sons of Míl to die in Ireland, you wait patiently in your house to the West, an Island among the waves, a respite beyond death.

- The old year fire is extinguished in silence and Donn is returned to the West.

Ceann-Poball begins the calling of the role of the dead in darkness on the first round, each person will introduce theirself and call a name or just silently look to the person to their left to signal their silence. There will be three rounds and on the third round any remaining names are called and each person looks to their left to signal when they are finished.

*Stand in silent contemplation for several moments.

Burn bright, flame within me. Kindled of eternal fire
Of the people I will be. And the people a part of me
All are one of many parts. Single fire of flaming hearts.

Sacrifice: Firepriest lights the new year fire and says: “Seo an teine choisrigte.

Ìobairtear carries around the covered plate of the cut up bannock with one marked piece. Each adult of the Poball takes a piece and holds it without looking until everyone has a piece then the Ìobairtear signals and everyone shows their piece and the Ìobairtear identifies the chosen person and if necessary this is repeated until the marked piece is pulled. 

 The Taiséadach is draped around the diviner for the divination: “Gu robh beannachd nan Diathan air an ogam seo” is said if using ogam for the divination.

Cord with requests tied into it is picked up by the Ceann-Poball and held aloft, then handed to the Draoi to leave in the woods or burn.  

The Spring Water: "Waters of land, bring to us the touch and blessings of this world:
The Rain Water: "Falling waters of the sky, bring to us the blessings of the High Ones."
The Sea Water: "Waves of the waters of the sea, bring to our shore the blessings of the ancestors."
Waters of memory: "Waters of memory, allow us to drink the flowing traditions and blessings of our people."
Draoi says: "Bless these waters of life that they may flow to and through us, may the wells of blessing spring to life within us and fill us with waves of joy and prosperity. "Seo an uisge choisrigte. 

All respond:  Seo an uisge choisrigte

Refill the water of mystery. 

Thank Donn: Donn, master of the house which is the first stop on the journey of the dead Tapadh Leibh 

Thank An Mórrígan: Morríghan, Great Queen, Great Queens, Tapadh Leibh 

Thank the Deities of the Poball: “Gods and Goddesses of our Fathers and Mothers, High Ones of the Ancestors, Rulers of these realms and the forces that fill them. You protect and provided for the people as they scatter across the land in the season of growth. We ask that you once again aid this tribe as our heads, hands and hearts turn to the season of darkness and cold. Shining Ones of elder days, for your blessings, Tapadh leibh,

Thank The Ancestors: “Mothers and Fathers of blood and of spirit, most honoured ancestors, for who we are and for your blessings, Tapadh leibh” 

Thank Protector Deity: “Ogma, great champion of the Gods for your protection, Tapadh leibh

Firepriest/ess “Ón áit os comhar ár suile, chuig an áit istigh íontu”  Daigre, Tapadh leibh

Thank An Cailleach: A Chailleach Mother of mountains, islands, tribes and gods. Tapadh leibh.

Restate the Morrigan blessing.

Ceann-Poball or Draoi: "As our ancestors have done in the depths of ages past, so we have done today. May each of us go from this place carrying the blessings of our people, our ancestors and our gods. Gu robh beannachd nan Diathan agus ar sinnsearan air an poball seo. Cuirear urram air nan Diathan an duigh, a nochd agus suthain.” 

1 comment:

  1. Please note this was composed by Robert Barton and not myself.
