Monday, October 17, 2011


I have been observing the clouds,
the posture of the stars
and the age of the moon.
I have gazed at fire and ember
Heard the cauldron sing
I have seen the sky reflected
Near the Druids ring
I have been a listener in the forest
I have traveled through many caves
I have been the storms front
A draught in many ways
I know the old names of our rivers
and have built many bridges
I have looked down from high cliffs
I have looked out upon vast waters
From many directions I have been
I have been far removed from the hand of man
I have been witness to war
I have walked under cloak and cowl
I am a keeper of ancient lore
I have lived to see things pass
and pass again
I have been a wielder of great speach
with honey on my tongue I empower
I have been silent at great feasts
only to speak riddle shower
I have been Rowan berry
And an Acorn
I have been heather in the fields
I have been a bee to a flower
And a warrior with shields
I have moved immovable obstacles
and have been stopped by great beauty
I have been a light for many
and a fog to somes duty
I have had the best of company
and have fallen through sorrow
I have risen out from slumber
I have stumbled into tomorrow
Whom but I knows where the hidden flame lies
Whom but I causes wonderment
I’m a shining tear drop of the sun
I’m a harps strings in the wind
I’m a flaming sword of justice
Who but I observes the Cranes feet
Whom but I flies with the Wren
Whom but I speaks with Ravens
Whom but I knows the secrets of death

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