Monday, October 17, 2011

No knead Sourdough 1-2-3 bread

What you "knead" - (1cup of sourdough starter)

1 cup water

2 tsp salt

3 cups of flour



~ Mix ingredients a bowl by hand. No kneading, no 2nd rise, no punching.

~ If a warm day or very warm house, place towel over bowl on counter, leave to rise.

~ If on a cold day: heat oven to 350 place bowl w. dough in oven for 3 min.

after 3 min, turn oven off, leave bowl w. dough inside oven to rise for 8-12hrs

~take dough out.

~heat oven to 500. Keep it at that temp for 20 min, & then-

~put a steel pot/ cast iron pot/ or enamel pot in oven with its lid beside it, leave in oven 20 min

~Flour (clean) working surface

~Gently dump the dough onto the floured surface, being careful not to pop any air bubbles

~Fold gently the four corner into the center of the dough

no kneading, or punching

~open oven door

~flour hands

~carry dough to oven

~drop it in pot

~Cook 20 min with lid on. REMEMBER TO WEAR MITS!!! People often forget that the lid has been in the oven, be careful its hot.

~remove lid

~cook 20 more min.

~~ leave it long enough so that bread is brown and crust is crunchy. Times may vary slightly.

remove to wire rack



You can use any type of flour you desire! Try mixing grains like spelt, rye, etc. Also, you can feed your sourdough starter any grain as well, try oats, or bulgar wheat for fun

Feel free to experiment with this by adding herbs, spices, honey, nuts and even dried fruits. What ever your tastes desire. I suggest to make this at least once 'as-is' to get an idea for its style. I do my mixing at beginning stage where I mix it by hand a few times. Some of my favorite add ons are: Minced garlic, chives, olives, basil, and sun dried tomaties. This is So easy and comes out wonderful each time. No fuss and lots of fun experimenting!

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